All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base for all background jobs of KADAI.
The AfterRequestChangesProvider allows to implement customized behaviour after changes have been requested on a given Task.
The AfterRequestReviewProvider allows to implement customized behaviour after a review has been requested on a given Task.
The AgeQueryItem contains age in days.
Attachment-Interface to specify attributes of an Attachment.
Attachment entity.
This class is the mybatis mapping of Attachment.
This exception is thrown when an Attachment should be inserted to the DB, but it does already exist.
Interface for AttachmentSummaries.
The most important fields of the Attachment entity.
The BeforeRequestChangesProvider allows to implement customized behaviour before changes have been requested on a given Task.
The BeforeRequestReviewProvider allows to implement customized behaviour before a review has been requested on a given Task.
This enum contains all status of synchronization between a kadai task and a task in a remote system.
Interface used to specify the Classification-Model.
This exception is thrown when a Classification does already exits, but was tried to be created with the same id and domain.
A ClassificationCategoryReport aggregates Task related data.
The implementation of CategoryReportBuilder.
This class executes a job of type ClassificationChangedJob.
Super class for all classification related events.
Classification entity.
This exception is thrown when a specific Classification was tried to be deleted while still being in use.
This class is the mybatis mapping of classifications.
Thrown if a specific Classification is not in the database.
The ClassificationQuery allows for a custom search across all Classifications.
Implementation of ClassificationQuery interface.
This class provides a mapper for all classification queries.
A ClassificationReport aggregates Task related data.
A DetailedClassificationReport aggregates Task related data.
The implementation of ClassificationReportBuilder.
The ClassificationService manages all operations on Classifications.
This is the implementation of ClassificationService.
Interface for ClassificationSummaries.
Implementation for the short summaries of a classification entity.
A ColumnHeader is an element of a Report.
The CombinedClassificationFilter is a pair of a classificationId for a Task and a classificationId for the corresponding Attachment.
The Configuration Service manages all custom configuration options.
The CreateTaskPreprocessor allows to implement customized behaviour before the given Task has been created.
Uses WorkingDaysToDaysReportConverter to convert an <I>s age to working days.
The DetailedMonitorQueryItem extends the MonitorQueryItem.
This class is the mybatis mapping of distribution targets.
The FoldableRow extends the SingleRow.
Creates and deletes events and emits them to the registered history service providers.
This exception is thrown when the callback state of the Task doesn't allow the requested operation.
This exception is thrown when the current user is not the owner of the Task.
This exception is thrown when the state of the Task doesn't allow the requested operation.
This class is the mybatis mapping of the JOB table.
This is the runner for Tasks jobs.
Schedules the JobRunner based on given Clock whith given KadaiEngine.
Service to manage the KadaiJobs.
Controls all job activities.
This central class creates the KadaiEngine and holds all the information about DB and Security.
The KadaiEngine represents an overall set of all needed services.
Connection management mode.
This is the implementation of KadaiEngine.
Interface for KADAI History Service Provider.
This exception is thrown when the TaskHistoryEvent with the specified id was not found.
Interface for all background KADAI jobs.
This exception is thrown when the service level of the Classification has not the required format.
A convenience class to represent pairs of task id and task state.
This class is the mybatis mapping of task monitoring.
The MonitorQueryItem entity contains the number of tasks for a key (e.g. workbasketKey) and age in days.
The Monitor Service manages operations on tasks regarding the monitoring.
This is the implementation of MonitorService.
This exception is thrown when the current user is not the creator of the TaskComment it tries to modify.
This exception is thrown when the current user does not have a certain permission on a Workbasket.
This exception is thrown when a user is not authorized to query a Workbasket.
ObjectReference-Interface to specify ObjectReference Attributes.
Handles all operations on secondary ObjectReferences.
ObjectReference entity.
This class is the mybatis mapping of ObjectReference.
This exception is thrown when an ObjectReference should be inserted to the DB, but it does already exist.
ObjectReferenceQuery for generating dynamic sql.
Implementation of ObjectReferenceQuery interface.
The PriorityServiceProvider allows to determine the priority of a Task according to custom logic.
A QueryItem is en entity on which a Report is based on.
The QueryItemPreprocessor is used when adding QueryItems into a Report.
The RefreshUserPostprocessor allows to implement custom behaviour after a User has been updated.
Report<I extends QueryItem,H extends ColumnHeader<? super I>>
A Report represents an abstract table that consists of Rows and a list of <ColumnHeader>s.
Report.Builder<I extends QueryItem,H extends ColumnHeader<? super I>>
Builder for Report.
The ReviewRequiredProvider allows to determine whether a Task requires a review instead of completion.
Row<I extends QueryItem>
Representation of a row in a Report.
This class holds all data that go into the Job table.
This enum tracks the state of a job.
An item that contains information of a selected item of a Report.
A SingleRow represents a single row in a Report.
Run low level SQL Statements reusing the kadai datasource.
Task-Interface to specify the model of a Task.
This exception is thrown when a Task is going to be created, but a Task with the same external id does already exist.
Event fired if a task is cancelled.
Event fired if a task is cancelled to be claimed.
Event fired if a task is claimed.
Job to cleanup completed tasks after a period of time.
TaskComment-Interface to specify attributes of the TaskComment.
This exception is thrown when a specific TaskComment is not in the database.
TaskCommentQuery for generating dynamic sql.
TaskCommentQuery for generating dynamic sql.
This class provides a mapper for all task comment queries.
Event fired if a task is completed.
Event fired if a task is created.
A TaskCustomFieldValueReport aggregates Task related data.
The implementation of CustomFieldValueReportBuilder.
Determines which custom properties are to be updated.
The TaskEndstatePreprocessor allows to implement customized behaviour before the given Task goes into an end state (cancelled, terminated or completed).
Super class for all task related events.
This class is the mybatis mapping of task.
This exception is thrown when a specific Task is not in the database.
TaskQuery for generating dynamic sql.
Enum containing the column names for TaskQueryMapper.queryTaskColumnValues.
TaskQuery for generating dynamic sql.
The TaskQueryItem entity contains the number of tasks for a domain which have a specific state.
This class provides a mapper for all task queries.
This class executes a job of type TaskRefreshJob.
The TaskRequestChangesEvent is fired if changes on a Task are requested.
The TaskRequestReviewEvent is fired after a review on a Task has been requested.
Loads TaskRoutingProvider SPI implementation(s) and passes requests to determine workbasketids to them.
The TaskRoutingProvider allows to determine the Workbasket for a Task that has no Workbasket on creation.
The TaskService manages all operations on Tasks.
This is the implementation of TaskService.
The TaskState contains all status of a Task.
The TaskStatusColumnHeader represents a column for each TaskState.
A TaskStatusReport aggregates Task related data.
Builder for TaskStatusReport.
The implementation of TaskStatusReportBuilder.
Interface for TaskSummary.
Entity which contains the most important information about a Task.
Event fired if a task is terminated.
This enum contains all timestamps saved in the database table for a Task.
Event fired if a task is transferred.
Update a lot of priorities for tasks in a performant way without the need to write SQL.
Job to recalculate the priority of each task that is not in an endstate.
A TimeIntervalColumnHeader has a lower and an upper age limit which subdivide the count of tasks into different sections.
for Date representation.
For representation of Range.
"Super" Interface for all TimeIntervalReportBuilders.
The TimestampQueryItem represents the content of a cell in the TimestampReport.
A TimestampReport aggregates Task related data.
Builder for TimestampReport.
The implementation of TimestampReport.Builder.
A single Row inside the TimestampReport.
Row inside the TimestampReport containing the information regarding a specific org level 1.
Row inside the TimestampReport containing the information regarding a specific org level 2.
Row inside the TimestampReport containing the information regarding a specific org level 3.
The User holds some relevant information about the KADAI users.
This exception is thrown when a User was tried to be created with an id already existing.
This exception is thrown when a specific User referenced by its id is not in the database.
The UserQuery allows for a custom search across all Users.
Enum containing the column names for UserQueryMapper#queryUserColumnValues.
This interface provides a Mapper for querying Users.
The UserService manages all operations concerning Users.
Workbasket entity interface.
Interface for WorkbasketAccessItem.
This exception is thrown when an already existing WorkbasketAccessItem was tried to be created.
WorkbasketAccessItemImpl Entity.
WorkbasketAccessItemQuery for generating dynamic SQL.
WorkbasketAccessItemQueryImpl for generating dynamic SQL.
This class is the mybatis mapping of workbasket access items.
This exception is thrown when an already existing Workbasket was tried to be created.
Job to cleanup completed workbaskets after a period of time if there are no pending tasks associated to the workbasket.
Super class for all workbasket related events.
Workbasket entity.
This exception is thrown when a specific Workbasket does have content and is tried to be deleted.
This class is the mybatis mapping of workbaskets.
This exception is thrown when a Workbasket, which was marked for deletion, could not be deleted.
This exception is thrown when a specific Workbasket is not in the database.
This enum contains all permission values for the Workbaskets.
A WorkbasketReport aggregates Task related data.
WorkitemQuery for generating dynamic sql.
Enum containing the column names for io.kadai.workbasket.internal.WorkbasketQueryMapper.queryWorkbasketColumnValues.
WorkbasketQuery for generating dynamic SQL.
This class provides a mapper for all queries.
A WorkbasketReport aggregates Task related data.
Builder for WorkbasketReport.
This service manages Workbaskets.
This is the implementation of WorkbasketService.
Interface for WorkbasketSummary.
This entity contains the most important information about a workbasket.
This enum contains the supported work basket types.
The DaysToWorkingDaysReportConverter provides a method to convert an age in days into an age in working days.