Add the values of attachment channel for exact matching to your query.
Add the values of attachment channel for pattern matching to your query.
Exclude the values of attachment channel for exact matching from your query.
Exclude the values of attachment channel for pattern matching from your query.
Add the attachment classification Ids for exact matching to your query.
Exclude the attachment classification Ids for exact matching from your query.
Add the attachment classification keys for exact matching to your query.
Add the attachment classification Keys for pattern matching to your query.
Exclude the attachment classification keys for exact matching from your query.
Exclude the attachment classification Keys for pattern matching from your query.
Add the attachment classification names for exact matching to your query.
Add the values of attachment classification names for pattern matching to your query.
Exclude the attachment classification names for exact matching from your query.
Exclude the values of attachment classification names for pattern matching from your query.
Exclude the received-dates from your query.
Add your received-dates to your query.
Add the values of reference values for exact matching to your query.
Add the values of reference values for pattern matching to your query.
Exclude the values of reference values for exact matching from your query.
Exclude the values of reference values for pattern matching to your query.
Add the business process ids for exact matching to your query.
Add your businessProcessId for pattern matching to your query.
Exclude the business process ids for exact matching from your query.
Exclude your businessProcessId for pattern matching to your query.
Add your callbackState to your query.
Exclude the callbackState from your query.
Exclude the time intervals within which the task wasn't claimed from your query.
Add the time intervals within which the task was claimed to your query.
Add your classificationCategory to your query.
Add your classificationCategory for pattern matching to your query.
Exclude the classificationCategory from your query.
Exclude the classificationCategory for pattern matching from your query.
Add your classificationId to your query.
Exclude these classificationIds from your query.
Add your classificationKey to your query.
Add your classificationKey for pattern matching to your query.
Exclude these classificationKeys from your query.
Exclude the classificationKeys for pattern matching from your query.
Add your classificationName to your query.
Add your classificationName for pattern matching to your query.
Exclude the classificationName from your query.
Exclude the classificationName for pattern matching from your query.
Add these keys of the parent Classification to your query.
Add these keys of the parent Classification for pattern matching to your query.
Exclude these keys of the parent Classification from your query.
Exclude these keys of the parent Classification for pattern matching from your query.
Exclude the time intervals within which the task wasn't completed from your query.
Add the time intervals within which the task was completed to your query.
Exclude the time intervals within which the task wasn't created from your query.
Add the time intervals within which the task was created to your query.
This method provides a query builder for quering the database.
Add the UserIds of the creator to your query.
Add the UserIds of the creator for pattern matching to your query.
Exclude the UserIds of the creator from your query.
Exclude the UserIds of the creator for pattern matching from your query.
Add the values of custom attributes for exact matching to your query.
Add the values of custom attributes for pattern matching to your query.
Exclude these values of custom attributes from your query.
Exclude the values of custom attributes for pattern matching from your query.
Exclude the values of specified
TaskCustomIntField inside the given range from
your query.
Add your description for pattern matching to your query.
Exclude your description for pattern matching from your query.
Exclude the time intervals within which the task isn't due from your query.
dueWithin(io.kadai.common.api.TimeInterval... intervals)
Add the time intervals within which the task is due to your query.
Add your external ids to your query.
Exclude these external ids from your query.
Add the hasComments flag to the query.
Filter for summaries which contain one of the given taskIds.
Exclude summaries which contain one of the given taskIds.
list(int offset,
int limit)
This method locks the returned rows until the end of the transaction using the FOR UPDATE lock.
Exclude the time intervals within which the task wasn't modified from your query.
Add the time intervals within which the task wasn't modified to your query.
Add your names to your query.
Add your name for pattern matching to your query.
Exclude these names from your query.
Exclude these names for pattern matching from your query.
Add your custom note for pattern matching to your query.
Exclude your custom note for pattern matching from your query.
This method sorts the query result according to the attachment channel.
This method sorts the query result according to the attachment classification id.
This method sorts the query result according to the attachment classification key.
This method sorts the query result according to the attachment classification name.
This method sorts the query result according to the attachment received.
This method sorts the query result according to the attachment reference value.
This method sorts the query result according to the business process id.
orderByClaimed(io.kadai.common.api.BaseQuery.SortDirection sortDirection)
This method sorts the query result according to the claimed timestamp.
This method sorts the query result according to the classification key.
This method sorts the query result according to the classification name.
This method sorts the query result according to the completed timestamp.
orderByCreated(io.kadai.common.api.BaseQuery.SortDirection sortDirection)
This method sorts the query result according to the created timestamp.
orderByCreator(io.kadai.common.api.BaseQuery.SortDirection sortDirection)
This method sorts the query result according to creators name.
This method sorts the query result according to the value of a custom field.
This method sorts the query result according to the value of the specified
orderByDomain(io.kadai.common.api.BaseQuery.SortDirection sortDirection)
This method sorts the query result according to the domain.
orderByDue(io.kadai.common.api.BaseQuery.SortDirection sortDirection)
This method sorts the query result according to the due timestamp.
This method sorts the query result according to the modified timestamp.
orderByName(io.kadai.common.api.BaseQuery.SortDirection sortDirection)
This method sorts the query result according to name.
orderByNote(io.kadai.common.api.BaseQuery.SortDirection sortDirection)
This method sorts the query result according to the note.
orderByOwner(io.kadai.common.api.BaseQuery.SortDirection sortDirection)
This method sorts the query result according to the owner.
This method sorts the query result according to the owner's long name.
This method sorts the query result according to the parent business process id.
orderByPlanned(io.kadai.common.api.BaseQuery.SortDirection sortDirection)
This method sorts the query result according to the planned timestamp.
This method sorts the query result according to the company of the primary object reference.
This method sorts the query result according to the system of the primary object reference.
This method sorts the query result according to the system instance of the primary object
This method sorts the query result according to the type of the primary object reference.
This method sorts the query result according to the value of the primary object reference.
This method sorts the query result according to the priority.
This method sorts the query result according to the received timestamp.
orderByState(io.kadai.common.api.BaseQuery.SortDirection sortDirection)
This method sorts the query result according to the state.
orderByTaskId(io.kadai.common.api.BaseQuery.SortDirection sortDirection)
This method sorts the query result according to the primary task id.
This method sorts the query result according to the workbasket-Id of the tasks.
This method sorts the query result according to the workbasket key.
This method sorts the query result according to the workbasket name of the tasks.
Add the owners to your query.
Add the owner for pattern matching to your query.
Adds the long names of the owners to your query.
Adds the long names of the owner for pattern matching to your query.
Adds the long names of the owners to your query, which should not be contained.
Adds the long names of the owner for pattern matching to your query, which should not be
Exclude the owner for pattern matching from your query.
Add the parent business process ids for exact matching to your query.
Add your parent business process id for pattern matching to your query.
Exclude the parent business process ids for exact matching from your query.
Exclude your parent business process id for pattern matching to your query.
Exclude the time intervals within which the task isn't planned from your query.
Add the time intervals within which the task is planned to your query.
Add the companies of the primary object reference for exact matching to your query.
Add the company of the primary object reference for pattern matching to your query.
Exclude the companies of the primary object reference for exact matching from your query.
Exclude the company of the primary object reference for pattern matching from your query.
Add the systems of the primary object reference for exact matching to your query.
Add the system instances of the primary object reference for exact matching to your query.
Add the system instance of the primary object reference for pattern matching to your query.
Exclude the system instances of the primary object reference for exact matching from your
Exclude the system instance of the primary object reference for pattern matching from your
Add the system of the primary object reference for pattern matching to your query.
Exclude the systems of the primary object reference for exact matching from your query.
Exclude the system of the primary object reference for pattern matching from your query.
Add the types of the primary object reference for exact matching to your query.
Add the type of the primary object reference for pattern matching to your query.
Exclude the types of the primary object reference for exact matching from your query.
Exclude the type of the primary object reference for pattern matching from your query.
Add the values of the primary object reference for exact matching to your query.
Add the value of the primary object reference for pattern matching to your query.
Exclude the values of the primary object reference for exact matching from your query.
Exclude the value of the primary object reference for pattern matching from your query.
Add your priorities to your query.
Exclude the priorities from your query.
Excludes the priorities in the provided range (inclusive) to your query (eg. priorities = [1,3]
excludes 1,2,3).
Includes the priorities in the provided range (inclusive) to your query (eg. priorities = [1,3]
includes 1,2,3).
Add the isRead flag to the query.
Exclude the time intervals within which the task wasn't received from your query.
Add the time intervals within which the task is received to your query.
Add your state to your query.
Exclude these states from your query.
Add the isTransferred flag to the query.
Add the Task fields for which the wildcard search should be performed as an exact match to your
Add your wildcard search value for pattern matching to your query.
Add your workbasket id to the query.
Exclude the workbasket id from the query.
Add your workbasket key to the query.
Exclude the workbasket key from the query.